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Onboard Owl makes understand data easy!

Worlds best tool to understand any data easily with chat interface.

Sign-Up Now

Unlock the full potential of Onboard Owl with our Exclusive UNLIMITED Free trial*. Experience the power of seamless information retrieval, collaborative knowledge sharing, and priority support, all at no cost. Dive in today and elevate your productivity with Onboard Owl – where innovation meets efficiency. Sign up now for your complimentary unlimited trial and discover a new era of effortless communication and data access.

Explore knowledge base just by asking questions

Share, Learn, Prompt questions to your knowledge base was never easier before.

  1. Step 1Sign up for an accountEither starting out with a free plan or choose our pro plan.
  2. Step 2Upload your files.We'll process your file and make it ready for you to chat with.
  3. Step 3Start asking questionsIt's that simple. Try out Onboard Owl today - it really takes less than a minute.

Onboard new employees faster.

Onboarding new employees can be a time-consuming process. With Onboard Owl, you can provide new employees with the information they need to get started quickly and easily.

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Get insights easily.

Chat with your data, and get insights easily. Onboard Owl is a powerful tool that allows you to ask questions and get answers from your data in real-time.

Manage your team's knowledge.

Onboard Owl allows you to create a knowledge base for your team. You can easily share information, ask questions, and collaborate with your team to find the answers you need.

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Chat with your data, and get insights easily.

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Add documents with few simple clicks.